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Published Papers that Falsify the current paradigm that the Coconino Formation was deposited as sand dunes above water.

These papers show that what was thought about the Coconino was not based on research in the field. All of the data indicate that the Coconino Formation was deposit as huge sediment flows under water. Yours truly is a coauthor of the third paper:

Sand injectites at the base of the Coconino Sandstone, Grand Canyon, Arizona (USA)
The Petrology of the Coconino Sandstone (Permian), Arizona, USA

Intraformational Parabolic Recumbent Folds in the Coconino Sandstone

Winter 2025 Newsletter Links

Here are links for technical information related to our articles in the Winter 2025 issue.

Dinosaur Collagen
Big Bang 1
Big Bang 2
BICEP2 was wrong
Intelligent Design vs evo


The Science Behind the Origin of Life

This video illustrates the incredible complexity and information dependent processes involved in the storage and duplication of DNA. The creation of life by God, in the person of Jesus, is scientifically supported and the idea of life resulting from laws of physics and chemistry has nothing to do with science...


This video does a superb job of explaining exactly why the creation of life by God, in the person of Jesus, is scientifically supported and the idea of life resulting from laws of physics and chemistry has nothing to do with science...


Radiometric Dating

This humorous rant on radiometric dating is so complete and well done that we just couldn't say it this well ourselves. Check out all of Ian's rants. He puts it so well...


Religion and Church are Good for Kids & YOU & US

If you think divorce is no big deal, "The kids will get over it," you need to read the results of this study as reported on the ultra-liberal Huffington Post. Then read this article on a very large study that shows a link to the children of divorce having twice the likelihood of a stroke. In the comments section you will see individuals whine that they don't like the studies, that the studies are flawed because their experience was different. Scientific studies compute likelihoods, not absolutes. All studies have shown that, on average, children do best when their parents do not divorce. In fact, they do as well when one parent dies as when the parents stay married.

According to a secular researcher, religion is good for kids. Find out why here.

LiveScience report on a study that taking (not sending... taking) your kids to church improves grades (more than parental advanced degrees!), behavior and length of life.

This article explains why conservative people, such as Christians, are happier and nicer that those that are left-leaning. This article explains why religious people are happier than atheists.

Recent research has shown that Christians are happier than atheists and agnostics. See the details in our Fall 2008 Creation News Update in the Science News to Learn By article. And... the more Christians pray, the happier we are. Don't worry, be happy... by praying to the God of the Bible and living for Jesus!

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