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Last Updated: 6/13/09

Dinosaurs - Annotated Bibliography

Birds Did Not Evolve from Dinosaurs, Say Evolutionists

Stunning New Research Overturns Widely Held Evolutionary Idea

Date: 06/12/2009

Technical Level: Low 1-2-3-4-5 Hi

Dino to Birds evolution FALSIFIED

Description: Bird experts have long said that so-called transitional fossil forms from dinosaur to bird are fully bird or nothing like a bird. Now researchers at Oregon State University have published a paper in the Journal of Morphology that overthrows that ASSUMPTION of evolution. They show from fossils and knowledge of bird lung function that birds could NOT have evolved from dinosaurs.

There is no evidence of a transition from dino to bird

Scientific American admits Creationists Hit a Sore Spot - Michael Matthews @ AIG

Date: 04/09/2008

Technical Level: Low 1-2-3-4-5 Hi

Description: Answers In Genesis responds to an article in Scientific American (SA). The SA article basically admits to many items creationists have been stating all along about a lack of transitional fossils showing feather development. SA gives several scenarios of what they think could happen but offer zero evidence for any of their ideas. Also delves into Evo-Devo regarding feather development.

DNA & Proteins in Dinosaur Fossil

Ancient Fossils with Preserved Soft Tissues and DNA - © 2004, Sean D. Pitman, M.D.

Date: 3/x/2005

Technical Level: Low 1-2-3-4-5 Hi

Description: Here is all the data and references to empirical studies that show scientists have found dinosaur hemoglobin and soft tissue in dinosaur fossils. It also cites the studies that show DNA and proteins cannot last longer than 100,000 years after death regardless of preservation method (except unnaturally extreme cold). And now there is more confirmation. A new dinosaurs has been uncovered with soft tissue, blood vessels and more. The scientist went to extremes to prove it is real and those who criticized before are backing down. Read about it here. Of course there has been some dispute with some scientists saying the samples were contaminated, etc. They realize that it is impossible for these samples to be more than a few thousand years old. So, an independent investigation was done, reexamining the tissue by a third scientist. The original research is accurate and true. Read about the confirmation here.

The Dinosaur Next Door

Evidence of dinosaurs recorded in artwork of distant past - John Morris @ ICR

Date: 06/01/2008

Technical Level: Low 1-2-3-4-5 Hi

Description: Below will be sites that show evidence of man and dinosaur living together. But, start with this one. Typical of ICR, dates are given for the making of pottery that have pictures of dinosaurs that date to hundreds of years ago. One of our very favorite pictures is of a Native American petroglyph discovered in the Grand Canyon in 1879. Evolutionists will plead that they were drawn by a person living around 1879, but these are the real thing. Keep in mind that the first dinosaur fossil was unearthed in 1858, just 21 years before the discovery of the Grand Canyon petroglyph. Any petroglyph less than 21 years old would be obvious.

Many Evidences of Dinosaurs and Man Living at Same Time

Home page of site dedicated to evidence that dinosaurs and man lived at same time.

Date: 05/13/2008

Technical Level: Low 1-2-3-4-5 Hi

Description: Presents evidence that man recorded images and left records about dinosaurs.

DNA Matching of Dinosaur "Fossil" Soft Tissue with a Chicken

Tyrannosaurus rex: a big chicken? - David A. DeWitt, Ph.D

Date: 04/13/2007

Technical Level: Low 1-2-3-4-5 Hi

Description: Researchers have sequenced some DNA from dinosaur soft tissue. It compares to chicken DNA with a similarity of 58%. But it was only 51% with frogs and newts. Human DNA is 81% similar to frogs. So, conclusions that 58% similarity is an argument that birds evolved from dinosaurs is poor at best. And don't forget that DNA should have completely fallen apart in just a few thousand years.

Dinosaur Fossils Part of Longtime Chinese Tonic

National Geographic News - Kevin Platt

Date: 07/13/2007

Technical Level: Low 1-2-3-4-5 Hi

Description: Dinosaur bones are part of a tonic in China. The creationist point is that the bones should not have lasted millions of years. They should have broken down or mineralized in far less than a million years.

Research show assumptions about dinosaur feathers is false

Dino-bird evolution falls flat! - Jonathan Sarfati @ AIG / CMI

Date: 04/09/2008

Technical Level: Low 1-2-3-4-5 Hi

Description: Answers In Genesis responds to an article in Scientific American (SA). The SA article basically admits to many items creationists have been stating all along about a lack of transitional fossils showing feather development. SA gives several scenarios of what they think could happen but offer zero evidence for any of their ideas. Also delves into Evo-Devo regarding feather development.

"Dinosaur Mummy" Found; Has Intact Skin, Tissue

National Geographic News - John Roach

Date: 12/03/2007

Technical Level: Low 1-2-3-4-5 Hi

Description: This is an incredible find! This fossil actually has the skin in the original 3-D shape, though color is gone. The creationist point is that the bones should not have lasted millions of years. They should have broken down or mineralized in far less than a million years.

Insect Attack May Have Finished Off Dinosaurs

Science Daily

Date: 01/04/2008

Technical Level: Low 1-2-3-4-5 Hi

Description: We thought a comet did it. Evidence for why it was NOT a comet is offered along with the new idea. This shows that all these things about the past we are taught as true are really just speculation.

Alleged ‘protofeathers’ fail under close scrutiny

Feathery flight of fancy - Shaun Doyle

Date: 05/25/2007

Technical Level: Low 1-2-3-4-5 Hi

Description: Sinosauropteryx has been one of the stars of the evolutionary dino-to-bird story. The supposed feathers have now been shown to not be even close to feathers. Now it isn't even considered a transitional fossil. Several good links to other dinosaur pages.

Did Dinosaurs Turn Into Birds? A general look at the argument

Difficulties are ignored, but here you will see several - David Menton @ AIG

Date: 01/17/2008

Technical Level: Low 1-2-3-4-5 Hi

Description: This is a look at what the Bible and evolutionists conclude about dino to bird evolution. Several of the extreme difficulties are discussed.

A new transitional fossil that is really 100% bird

For the birds! - Answers Magazine

Date: 01/01/2007

Technical Level: Low 1-2-3-4-5 Hi

Description: Short and sweet. The fossil is 100% bird but found in rock where a transitional fossil is expected. The hope trumps reality.


Genesis Park - Many artifacts from history that depict dinosaurs

Date: 04/09/2008

Technical Level: Low 1-2-3-4-5 Hi

Description: Many photos of pictographs, pottery and much more where man depicted dinosaurs long before the fist fossil was discovered in the 1800s. A few of the examples are disputed but most are not. We could go on and on, but instead will give several links here that add some dimension to the many pictures that show dinosaurs and man lived together.

Dragons - Yes there is evidence of man and dragon living together

Modern Sightings - take with a grain of salt, but another piece of the puzzle

Pterosaur-like Creatures Reported in Papua New Guinea

Cool page of photos and examples of early modern drawings that got it wrong, but the ancients got it right!